Monday, May 28, 2007
Them's Fightin' Words
According to Reuters, AHEM, and I quote:

"The Pentagon report [about the state of China's military] exaggerates China's military strength and expenditure with ulterior motives," the Foreign Ministry said in a statement posted in its Web site ( "It continues spreading the 'China threat' theory, seriously violates the norms of international relations, and is a gross interference in China's internal affairs..."

Here's what happened. Basically, the U.S. Pentagon sent out a report saying that China's reported projections for defence spending this year are significant underestimates, adding that they believe China to be aggressively stockpiling weaponry and formulating military strategy outside the "usual" realms of Taiwan, North Korea, and - most recently publicized - Africa. Though, to keep things level, I must of course mention that the Chinese maintain their position in Africa is focused on "economic cooperation" (with military involvement limited to such situations as threaten Chinese in Africa, as in Ethiopia, or in cases of mass genocide, as in Darfur).

Normally, I could rant on for days and days about how the Chinese government is just posturing to deflect public scrutiny while avoiding answering the "real questions," that they can try to lambast the U.S. all they want for pointing out "the truth" but that doesn't make it any less true, and that - as a major player on the world's stage - their business IS the world's business, etc., etc. Except that in this case, the U.S. should be scooping itself a hefty portion of hypocritical pie (cousin of the famous "humble pie"). Not only are we involved in EVERYONE ELSE's business but our own(whether we should or should not be there may or may not be open to debate; however this is not the forum for that) but, on top of everything else, our numbers make China's look like chump change.

Consider, if you will, the latter portion of the Reuters article:

"In March, China said it would boost defence spending by 17.8 percent to about $45 billion in 2007. But the Pentagon report cited U.S. intelligence estimates that China's total military-related spending for 2007 could really be between $85 billion and $125 billion. The Bush administration had requested $484.1 billion for the Defence Department in the fiscal year starting from October 2007, a figure that does not include military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan."

I love my home country with all my heart and I am certainly by no means 'Chinese,' but take THAT United States. Come on - let's get it together, fellas. Think before you speak. Do some freakin' research before you go putting out Pentagon reports. At least Google some stuff. People who live in glass countries should NOT throw nuclear weapons.
posted by Rachel @ 1:14 PM  
THE WILD WILD EAST: Everything you never knew you didn't know about life on the other side.
In China, the people are represented by two separate, yet equally important groups. The Chinese, who call this land "home," and the expats who migrate here. My name is Rachel. I am an expat. These are my stories.
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